Sunday, June 14, 2015
Sadly Joey passed away on Feb 25 2015. Dr Bob came to my house after Joey not eating for 4 days and Joey went downhill. I havent been able to post due to my emotions. He was my everything. Its barely worth getting up in the mornings anymore. Joey had stopped eating for 4 days and I knew it was time. I couldnt let him suffer as I had made that promise to him. Joey made such a big difference in my life and I will never be the same. Im sitting here today thinking oh I better post the last post for this blog and for the followers to let them know. My heart is broken and I really dont think it will ever mend. He was my angel and I hope to see him in heaven when I go. Thank you for reading my blog. This will be the last post. God bless and please, hold your dogs and kiss them everyday. You just never know when the time will come.
Monday, November 17, 2014
Joeys leg
~~****JOEY UPDATE******
Well its not good, Joeys liver enzymes are high again in the 1000's
The bile acids that determine coagulation of blood for surgery for normal dogs are less than 13, Joeys is 189, the 2nd test is for normal dogs is less than 25 and Joeys is at 114.5. That means Joey's blood wouldn't clot so he couldnt heal after surgery, actually he would bleed out even with transfusions. The vet, Dr. Bob McCool says the surgery is too risky and that he wont do it, especially with Joeys liver enzymes high. He said Joeys liver is functioning at about 1/3 to 1/4 of a normal dog. BUT he is optimistic. We are doing a special diet along with antibiotics that will help Joeys liver and he called a specialist on his own time to find a Person who can make a special cast for Joey so he doesn't have to have it taped up. Its a permanent, removable cast that will allow Joey to walk. Dr Bob has never done orthopedics for a dog before so he is quite excited about this. This cast is special made and is quite expensive. The specialists name is Kel Bergmann Vice President of Hanger Clinic here in San Diego if you want to check on any orthopedics for your own dog. Its not a cure of course and I am hopeful that Joey can continue to hang in there for a while and I have to count every day as special ones. I cant tell you how much you mean to me, and of course Joey and I think the power of prayer has gotton Joey this far. While this is sad news he cant have amputation, its good news that I have found a vet that will go 100% for Joey. He really does feel optimistic for Joey if we can get those liver enzymes down. Thank you to each and every one of you who has cared about Joey and his progress and I love you all. Ill will keep you updated on how things go and when Joey gets his new cast.
I want to thank you for the money that you donated and it is going towards Joeys specialty cast and his vet bills, medications...many more of which to come. Please feel free to ask me any questions about the new cast as this is a new thing for this vet and he is very excited for Joeys quality of life. Or feel free to contact me at any time. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Valerie and Joey
Well its not good, Joeys liver enzymes are high again in the 1000's
The bile acids that determine coagulation of blood for surgery for normal dogs are less than 13, Joeys is 189, the 2nd test is for normal dogs is less than 25 and Joeys is at 114.5. That means Joey's blood wouldn't clot so he couldnt heal after surgery, actually he would bleed out even with transfusions. The vet, Dr. Bob McCool says the surgery is too risky and that he wont do it, especially with Joeys liver enzymes high. He said Joeys liver is functioning at about 1/3 to 1/4 of a normal dog. BUT he is optimistic. We are doing a special diet along with antibiotics that will help Joeys liver and he called a specialist on his own time to find a Person who can make a special cast for Joey so he doesn't have to have it taped up. Its a permanent, removable cast that will allow Joey to walk. Dr Bob has never done orthopedics for a dog before so he is quite excited about this. This cast is special made and is quite expensive. The specialists name is Kel Bergmann Vice President of Hanger Clinic here in San Diego if you want to check on any orthopedics for your own dog. Its not a cure of course and I am hopeful that Joey can continue to hang in there for a while and I have to count every day as special ones. I cant tell you how much you mean to me, and of course Joey and I think the power of prayer has gotton Joey this far. While this is sad news he cant have amputation, its good news that I have found a vet that will go 100% for Joey. He really does feel optimistic for Joey if we can get those liver enzymes down. Thank you to each and every one of you who has cared about Joey and his progress and I love you all. Ill will keep you updated on how things go and when Joey gets his new cast.
I want to thank you for the money that you donated and it is going towards Joeys specialty cast and his vet bills, medications...many more of which to come. Please feel free to ask me any questions about the new cast as this is a new thing for this vet and he is very excited for Joeys quality of life. Or feel free to contact me at any time. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Valerie and Joey
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Charlie The Hummingbird
Joey has adopted a hummingbird we call Charlie. Joey insists in being with me when I make the formula for Charlie and he sits and waits pateintly for Charlie to arrive and stares in wonder. He doesnt try and go for him or anything but he likes Charlie. He can also tell the sounds Charlie makes in the trees when he gets ready to come to the feeder. Its so heartwarming.
Well I had a consultation with a holistic vet yesterday, Dr Wright who is in Tacoma Washington.
He suggested to give Joey Canine Immune System Support, Agaricus Bio, and Arteisinin. He is sending me a plan along with a meal suggestion for Joey. I feel so much better talking to him because he really listened and he had some suggestions. Unlike the Oncologist who seems to be money oriented. So Im going to do the Chemotherapy along with supplements and see if we can keep Joeys cancer at bay. As of today I can still not feel his lymph nodes which is a good thing. I just pray so hard that this works.
As you can see though Joey has no clue and is still enjoying his daily routine of lizard patrol and Charlie
Sunday, February 16, 2014
The love of my life
Joey is my first real Golden thats totally mine. I mean I had one growing up but that was familys. Joey is something special. he has a gentle soul and he somehow understands me. He is my little helper around the house and I would consider him my "therapy" dog. he doesnt bark unless he sees someone and he minds my suggestions very well. You couldnt ask for a better dog.
This cancer has come as a complete surprise as Joey is only 6 years old. How can this be? Now my life is everything for Joey...everything. I only hope that I can take care of him through this journey as well as he has taken care of me for the past 6 years. Am I worthy? Will it be enough? Joey is my everything and I can only pray Im doing all that is possible to help Joey make it through these chemo treatments which is an awful flashback to when my mom passed of cancer. My heart is completley broken. Thats not even the word. The word is shattered.
I love you Joey with every ounce of my being. I pray to God for his guidance to help me through this.
This cancer has come as a complete surprise as Joey is only 6 years old. How can this be? Now my life is everything for Joey...everything. I only hope that I can take care of him through this journey as well as he has taken care of me for the past 6 years. Am I worthy? Will it be enough? Joey is my everything and I can only pray Im doing all that is possible to help Joey make it through these chemo treatments which is an awful flashback to when my mom passed of cancer. My heart is completley broken. Thats not even the word. The word is shattered.
I love you Joey with every ounce of my being. I pray to God for his guidance to help me through this.
Friday, February 14, 2014
2nd round of chemo
Joey had his second visit today and we saw a different oncologist. She examined Joey and says he is in "remission". So the first dose of chemo worked. But if I do nothing it will be back in 2 months. She suggested the pill form which is Lomustine and we get it every 3 weeks. For 5 doses. That should extend his life for a year or so. But Im so confused and overwhelmed. His remission doesn't mean he is cured and the cancer is lingering in his body just waiting... for a chance to pop up again? Im grateful we don't have to go every week. Now his blood test today showed elevated liver enzymes and this chemo pill will mess up his liver so I have to also give him denamarin everyday. Joey seems to be happy still looking for lizards so I know he isnt in pain or anything. I just pray that he improves everyday. Ill let you know next week how the next visit goes!!
Friday, February 7, 2014
Second guessing everything
Joey just seems like a healthy dog and I feel like the chemo is making him even sicker than normal. I called the vets last night because Joey wouldnt eat and I spoke to a Dr. who said that it was normal but that if I was concerned that I could come in anytime. Sheesh, I just needed some advice and here they were encouraging me to spend money by bringing Joey in. Sigh Im freaking out about the 7000.00 price tag for this treatment. Am I doing the right thing?
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Tough day
Its a tough day, Joey wont eat, he is lethargic, and his eyes are droopy and red. My heart is breaking and Im overwhelmed.
Am I doing the right thing by Joey? Is chemo the way to go? Is this all really happening????? The journey has only begun and Im so scared.
Thanks for listening.
Am I doing the right thing by Joey? Is chemo the way to go? Is this all really happening????? The journey has only begun and Im so scared.
Thanks for listening.
Wow this is really a challenge! And its only the first week.
Joey doesnt want to eat. Not chicken, peanut butter, cheese, nothin. This is not good. Im questioning everything now. Am I doing the right thing? Can this be really true?? What can I do to help Joey???
It constantly runs through my mind and Im going crazy!!!
I am willing Joey to get better. If I could take his cancer for my own I would!! It is crazy what I would do for my dogs.
Well nothing else to report as of yet. I just had to vent.
Hug your pet <3 p="">
Joey doesnt want to eat. Not chicken, peanut butter, cheese, nothin. This is not good. Im questioning everything now. Am I doing the right thing? Can this be really true?? What can I do to help Joey???
It constantly runs through my mind and Im going crazy!!!
I am willing Joey to get better. If I could take his cancer for my own I would!! It is crazy what I would do for my dogs.
Well nothing else to report as of yet. I just had to vent.
Hug your pet <3 p="">
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Its going to be a great day!!!
Even though I got edged out of bed early this morning, I still woke up with Joey in my arms. Wow what a great way to start my day. His fur is so soft under his neck and his lashes are so long on my cheek. He lets my hug him forever and he loves it. Kealani likes it too!!!
So yesterday was uneventful, Joey threw up just once and asked for food at night. he ate it and was very happy. Chemo so far hasnt really produced any side effects thankfully.
There will be lots of hugging today.
I hope you have a wonderful day and please give your pets a hug!!!
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
My baby has Lymphosarcoma
Joey was diagnosed yesterday with Lymphosacoma. There is no cure. I posted a little something on Facebook yesterday and I want to thank each one of you that provided us with your encouraging and loving words of support. I am so surprised and overwhelmed.
We went to the oncologist today and Joey got a chemotherapy treatment. The Dr spoke with us and gave us options, prednisone which attacks cancer cells but not effectivley. We are going with the CHOP method which is a combination of 5 different chemo drugs and is preferred for the first time treatment regimen. This proticol is the most effective but takes more time and cost. He goes once a week for 25 weeks. The average remission time is 1 1/2 years. With prednisone alone its about 1 1/2 months. The cost is 7800.00
Theres an issue with the Tcell count, if its bcell its better to have and if its Tcell its not. About 20% dogs have tcell and the chemo is virtually the same. That test is 380.00 and I opted to put that money towards Joeys treatment. If you would like to donate to help Joey I set up a give forward page where you can help by donaing a dollar to help Joey. Go to
Thank you so much for everything and Ill post here for Joeys continued care and updates!!!
Monday, April 23, 2012
Our New House
Ring our doorbell! You are welcome to come and visit!
Our beautiful morning view
Joey says walk this way!
Joey will show you the backyard
We have lots of fruit trees! This is a Valencia orange tree
Joey says I like to look in all this lavendar for lizards and he is standing under the tangelo tree YUM!
Just ripe for picking
See all the pathways though our backyard?
Oh, more tangelos!!!
The front of our house! We are so happy here! So many lizards to chase and really nice neighbors too!!! A lot of wildlife lives up here, its very cool! Please come and visit us soon!!!
Our beautiful morning view
Joey says walk this way!
Joey will show you the backyard
We have lots of fruit trees! This is a Valencia orange tree
Joey says I like to look in all this lavendar for lizards and he is standing under the tangelo tree YUM!
Just ripe for picking
See all the pathways though our backyard?
Oh, more tangelos!!!
The front of our house! We are so happy here! So many lizards to chase and really nice neighbors too!!! A lot of wildlife lives up here, its very cool! Please come and visit us soon!!!
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Maxmom Radio Interview!!!!
She has beautiful pictures of Max while listening to this interview! Caryl touches on a subject I think we all know in a little way. Im so proud of you Caryl!!! Oh! And I have her book! Everybody should get her book called Maxdog!!!!( We sure miss you Max)
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