Saturday, December 24, 2011
My Christmas gift to you
Hang in there its worth it,I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and keep your eyes open!
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Thursday, December 8, 2011
I got my book today!!!! I cant wait to read it!! Thank you Maxmom I love you!!!!
Oh I so miss Max and think of him often!!! Thank you for my special note inside my book Maxmom!!!
Do you want a book too???!!!!
Monday, November 14, 2011
Monday, November 7, 2011
Well Joey has a fold in his duodenum which is preventing him from holding down his food. So I give him 3 tablespoons of canned Pinnacle holistic food with a handful of kibble. Every two to three hours. And so far today he has kept food down. But how long do I do this for? Joeys spirits are higher than mine if you can imagine.
*Sigh I just cannot imagine my life without him so I do what I can but its so hard when you are by yourself and I have no help.
I just wanted to give you an update that thankfully its not cancer. I go back in 2 weeks for a new blood test to test his enzymes in his liver. So there it is. I think its congentital and he was born with it. If there is anybody out there that might have information, please contact me at and I will read anything you can offer me.
Thank you for all of your love and support it means so much to me you just dont know!!! Joey saved my life and I want to save his!!!!
*Sigh I just cannot imagine my life without him so I do what I can but its so hard when you are by yourself and I have no help.
I just wanted to give you an update that thankfully its not cancer. I go back in 2 weeks for a new blood test to test his enzymes in his liver. So there it is. I think its congentital and he was born with it. If there is anybody out there that might have information, please contact me at and I will read anything you can offer me.
Thank you for all of your love and support it means so much to me you just dont know!!! Joey saved my life and I want to save his!!!!
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Thank You for Your Prayers!!!!!

I took Joey today for his emergency ultrasound and NO TUMOR was found and he has NO CANCER!!!!! Its was because of you and Joeys Guradian Angels and I cant thank you enough!!!!! It is a problenm with his liver enzymes that can be treated with medication and I am getting milk thistle to help cleanse his liver. The reason he cant digest his food is because he has a "bump" on his duodenem that is preventing food to reach his tummy, so thats why he has been throwing up for the past three weeks and he cant hold food. He has lost 10 lbs in 3 weeks!!!! The vet said to give him small portions of food during the day. Today so far so good as I got him some canned food that is soft and easy to digest. If you have heard anything like this before please contact me for advice!!! But THANK YOU for all of your prayers and well wishes for my Joey. I think we are going to be ok (I hope). I cant tell you how much your support has meant to me and helped me get through today. THANK YOU!!!! From the bottom of my heart!!!!
I Really Need Your Prayers!!!!
Please help me pray for Joey!!!! He hasnt been eating and what he does eat he throws it up! He has lost 9 lbs in 3 weeks and the vet says something wrong in his liver. His liver test is:
AST 100 normal is 15 to 66
ALT 881 normal is 12 to 118
ALK Phos 292 normal is 5 to 131
GGT 35 normal is 1 to 12
Bile test is 60.1 and normal is less than 25
I tried to feed Joey yesterday and he seemed to keep the 1/4 cup kibble down so I gave him a little more after 2 hrs and he threw everything up! I called the vet crying and he said he can get the ultrasound people to come in today at 10 am!!! So I have to leave my baby there for 2 hours. It will be the longest 2 hours of my life. The situation has gotton worse in the last 2 days and Joey is going down hill, fast. I cant tell you the heartbreak I am currently experiencing as he is only 4 years old and this just cant be happening. So, please I need prayers for Joey!!! Please!!!!
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Joey Cuddlebug
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Thursday, October 13, 2011
PPO Mamma and Babys

Watch PPO at
Lets watch these cuties grow up!!!!
Friday, September 30, 2011
Busy Busy Busy!!!
Sorry I havent been around much lateley Ive been so busy!!!! Im now moderating over at PPO which is and Eagle Owl that has made her nest in a potted plant on a balcony!! She has 3 eggs and they are due to hatch around Oct 4th or 5th. Its getting exciting!!!
Also the Blue Angels are in town so of course they fly right over my house and shakes the house and scares the dogs but its still kind of cool to see the planes. While I was taking those pictures I caught a hawk with something in his mouth!!! Lunch!!!

This picture was taken this evening Pappa owl brought PPO mamma a treat!!! She left her pot to go and eat the treat probably on the roof where she does her "business". Watching her is just amazing!!! I hope you will join me there and chat with us!!! Leave me a comment if you would like the link!!! Stay well and hug the ones you love!!! Oh and Joey and Kealani are doing great!!! Love you all!!!
Also the Blue Angels are in town so of course they fly right over my house and shakes the house and scares the dogs but its still kind of cool to see the planes. While I was taking those pictures I caught a hawk with something in his mouth!!! Lunch!!!

Saturday, September 17, 2011
Great Horned Owlets!

Its always wonderful to make new friends with the same interests as you. These pictures were taken by Bob Pruner who lives in Alberta Canada. I met him in PPO chat room and he shared his flickr page with me and I asked if I could share his pictures with you my friends! These are Great Horned Owlets in Ellis Bird Farm. Bob is an outstanding photographer and his pictures bring me such joy I just have to share them with you! Do you like them too?
(Thank you Bob!)
Sunday, September 11, 2011
I Will Never Forget

Looking for a picture to express how I feel Im in tears. I picked a picture not of the disaster but of new hope. I will NEVER forget that day I was driving to work and I heard about it over the radio and it was too unreal! I will Never forget that day. I hope you all are remembering that day too. Please, Hugs the ones you love!
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
PPO Family Last Year

Sunday, September 4, 2011
Hey mom! That birdie has BABIES!
This parrotlete is a beautiful teal color!! You can see her on Ustream TV and search Parrotlets!
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Friday, September 2, 2011

The Potted Plant Eagle Owl live stream is a window into the world a pair of wild Spotted Eagle Owls who were forced to nest in a potted plant on the balcony of a Allan and Tracey in Johannesburg South Africa. Developer's greed and the destruction of their natural nesting and feeding habitat has been the backdrop to an amazing story of how these Eagle Owls have adapted to survive and breed in man's harsh environment for the last 4 years
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Can I Please Have a Cookie?
Monday, August 15, 2011
Friday, August 5, 2011
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
The Royal Owl Box!
The blue bird box!
I went to San Marcos today and had a wonderful lunch with Donna! She is a great friend and owns this owl box that has changed my life!!!! What a great day we had hanging out together and Im so happy I was able to take these pictures to share with you!
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
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