I have heartbreaking news. Kealani was diagnosed today with Juvenile Panosteitis. Its an inflammation of the bone,usually in the long bones of the front legs in growing dogs. It started last Friday when she came in from the outside playing with Joey. She was limping and I was wondering if she broke something or got stung by a bee. I instantly called Auntie Sue and she came over and checked her paw. We didnt see anything in her pads and her foot didnt look broken. So she seemed to get better with some rest but then today I took her to the vet to make sure and he had a hunch it is Panosteitis. So I got some Metacam for pain and was hoping she would feel better within the week. BUT THEN at 330 today I noticed her not walking on the other foot!!! She wouldnt put it down and she just wouldnt walk! I panicked and called the vet and rushed her over. Again he said its Panosteitis and that it should go away in a couple of weeks with rest and medicine. So she has inflammation of her bones IN BOTH front legs!!!!!!! So, we will be laying low for a while. Sorry friends, I havent posted much lately and I will be busy giving Kealani lots of hugs and kisses, Oh and Joey too! :) Keep us in your thoughts friends.
I'm sending plenty of SibeVibes fur ALL of woo!
Woo will be in our thoughts!
Poor Keilani. We hope that you will be feeling better soon. We are thinking of you.
Tucker and Daisy
Sending lots of good thoughts your way. My golden, Husker, had this as a puppy and lived happily to a ripe old age. Hang in there, Keilani!
We are sorry to hear your news and hope that things really improve from here. When our dogs hurt, we hurt too, so our thoughts and positive energies are with you all.
We are with you in thought.
Lots of licks
Aw, poor Kealani -- give her a hug for us!
Oh Kelilani, please get better soon!!! Sending you lots of hugs and licks!!!
I hope you got some good rest last night. Let me know how she is doing.
Hugs to you all!
from what i know about this disease is that it is temporary! hang in there with your precious one and no exercise, but the obvious outside for potty.....good she is on pain meds, just make sure you give with food and meticam is only once a day....she should outgrow it in the next few weeks....
thanks for your kind words....
This scared the heck out of me until I saw that it would pass. Very sorry you have to contend with this, but if it's not permanent I'll breathe a sigh of relief for you now...
Oh wow, we are really sorry! Hang in there sweet pal. Sending some warm hugs, and wishes. Lay low, let mommie give lots of hugs!!!
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
Oh dear Sue and Kealani and Joey too - sooo sorry about poor Miss K. Sorry I haven't found your post sooner - we've been out of town and I'm just beginning to catch up. Keeping our hands and paws crossed that Kealani responds quickly to the meds and that she's up and at 'em after some rest. Will be thinking of you lots and lots xoxooxoxo
My God, it must be really heartbreaking to see Kealani like this! We have our paws crossed fo her and we are hoping she'll get really better soon!
We're near you always!!!!!
WE LOVE YOU A LOT Sweet friends and your mommy too!!!!!
You're very very very special for us!!!
Tons of love and kisses
Oh, Val, I'm sorry I'm so late reading about this. You must've been so frightened. Every time the littlest thing is wrong with Duncan I get very anxious. I'm relieved to her she's doing better, though. You must be ecstatic!
You're always in my thoughts!
Hi, Sending lots of sympathy Keilani's way. Fenris (our doggie) was just diagnosed with panosteitis today. The vet gave him an antiinflammatory, a vitamin supplement, recommended his activity be restricted for two weeks and switching him to an adult dog food.
Tucker, Daisy and Leo sent us over. ~Socks, Scylla, Charybdis (Cats) & Fenris (Our Doggie)
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