Destination: Lake Henshaw Ca, Objective: Have fun!!!! They played and played and loved it! We had the shoreline to ourselves and we had tons of fun! That is Kona sitting in the water, looking at the ducks. He is so funny and he is his own man. It was a long drive, over an hour and Joey and Kealani got car sick poor babies. But all of that was forgotton once we got there! I would recommend going there because they are dog friendly but the bummer was there were some big stickers that got caught in their coats!
what a great day at the beach. I used to get sick in the car too! mom used to feel so bad. the trick to getting over it is, no matter where we were going mom would always make sure half way through the trip she would stop and let me out to walk around. It really helped now I can go for hours. Oh and make sure not to eat before a car ride and motions sickness pills help too. =)
Joey you are very handsome. =)
Too cute!!!
Check out our blog - we have something for you!!!
What a great day you had dear friends!!!!!!!!
you look sooooooo happy....and gorgeous as always!!!!!!!
Wish were with you and swimming all togheter!!!!!!
have a wonderful weekend!!
Sweet kisses!!!!!!!
What a fun day! I'll bet everyone slept well.
What great fun! All that swimming and playing! And ducks! Sorry to hear about the carsickness and stickers - hopefully the carsickness will be better next time.
See ya!
hello boo bears its dennis the vizsla dog hay wow lake henshaw that is ware the aliens frum the planet pepsi wer spying on dada a kuple of weeks ago!!! i did not no that dogs cud go their we wil hav to check it owt and hopefuly the aliens wil be gawn by then!!! ok bye
Hi Joey and Kealani,
I am trying to catch up on your blog (man, it's been a while). Seems like you are having lots of fun swimming.
BTW, what do you mean by stickers? Ticks?
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