While on his world tour, Flat Tony dropped by this morning to say hi to the Boo Bears! It was a fun visit! Tony snuggled with Kealani after taking Joey for a walk! Then he slid down Joeys nose! It was hilarious! But Joey didnt think so! For more on Flat Tonys world tour check him out here http://ynot60.blogspot.com! Bye Flat Tony!
hello caboval its dennis the vizsla dog hay yore visitor luks just like owr visitor!!! i went and checkd and he is stil heer so i am not shoor how he can be their too he must hav sooperpowers or sumthing perhaps i wil rekroot him for the doghowse of justiss ok bye
Yeah ! Nylabones are simply LOVE ! & they are my human's saver . to prevent my mouth from destroying any furniture & stuff at home with my itchy mouth ! Oh , whats a bully sticks ? Never heard of it ? or maybe I have seen one , but don't know its name ! :D
it is so much obvious that flat tony really had fun there in San Diego! look at that adorable dog! Hello Doggy! Hello! Uhm... Just please say hello for me^^
Hey looks like FT had a lotta fun with your doggys.
Hi! I came over from Tony's to check out the Flat Tony adventure. It looks like Joey and FT were playing gingerbreadman and fox, too!
Flat Tony is meeting all kinds of great dogs and people. What a world wind tour he is on.
Those pictures are great ! Looks like FT & the boo bears have fun (:
Lots of Loves,
Three Musketeers
hello caboval its dennis the vizsla dog hay yore visitor luks just like owr visitor!!! i went and checkd and he is stil heer so i am not shoor how he can be their too he must hav sooperpowers or sumthing perhaps i wil rekroot him for the doghowse of justiss ok bye
Ok Dennis is cracking me up! You have to check out his blog!
Yeah ! Nylabones are simply LOVE ! & they are my human's saver . to prevent my mouth from destroying any furniture & stuff at home with my itchy mouth ! Oh , whats a bully sticks ? Never heard of it ? or maybe I have seen one , but don't know its name ! :D
Have a fun filled weekend !
Love ,
Three Musketeers
it is so much obvious that flat tony really had fun there in San Diego! look at that adorable dog! Hello Doggy! Hello! Uhm... Just please say hello for me^^
Mabuhay from the Philippines and God bLess!
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