Oh this girl was real pretty but she got shy. Her name is Liesje pronounced Leesha! Her owners name is Robin mom says. It was so nice to see a beautiful white golden retriever.
Mo-chi and his mommy and daddy came by for a visit and had to pose for a "family" photo! We just love Mo-chi! He is so cute! Joeys favorite buddy he will always want to take his leash and walk him around. Its so cute!
My very very very good friend Sue just got back from London and brought me this adorable plaque! Its so perfect right in the window! You can check out her blog at http://sue-randomramblings.blogspot.com/
This is Mo-chi Joeys friend that stops by everyday! Joey likes to take Mo-chi for a walk! I love him too because I get all sorts of kisses! We love you Mo-chi!
This is The Boo Bear. He was 12 weeks old. he is coming up to 6 months old but wanted to let you enjoy this. What a precious poo. I am the luckiest in the world!